Wellness Rx Assessment-Acne
Wellness Rx Assessment: Acne
Written by Noah Desgaches, Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate 27’, Pharmacy Intern
Acne Facts:
-Acne is one of the most commonskin disorders that up to 85% ofpeople struggle with the condition.
-People of all races and ages can get acne but it’s more common inteens and young adults. However, many people continue to battle acne in theiradult life and are negatively affected by the remnants of acne scars thatremain in their skin.
-Simply, acne occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with oiland dead skin cells. This oil is called sebum which the body produces inorder to protect and hydrate the skin.
According to the National Institutes of Health acne is an inflammatory disorder of theskin in which the clogged hair follicles allow bacteria that normally live onthe skin to grow inside them, causing inflammation. When the wall of theclogged hair follicle breaks down it spills the bacteria and dead skin cellsinto nearby skin creating more pimples and lesions.